Monday, 22 February 2010

Lighting experiments

Over the Easter holidays me, annad, patrick and rhianne set out to design the proposal for the year book. We decided that we were going to use the theme of time within a set to convey the course to the reader. We wanted to produced a set for each individual which would give them a change to present there work in a similar format to the image below and bring into the set personal object which they have used within there practice this year which conveys them and there personality.

However this was going to be a hard proposition to success with, as for the sets to work to there best potential it meant the individuals would have to co operate and be willing to put some effort/planning into there set and we could guarantee this for everyone.

All we could do though was give it a go to see what it looked like, after all this was only the proposal so we have time if we won the job to plan the set setups more thoroughly:

we soon realized when arrangement objects together with the work, that it made the set look too messy and cluttered, detracting form the impact of the work. This is an aspect of set design which could easily go wrong in the real thing if we do not consider this carefully:

Tried to control the set, with less object within it and artwork lined up and gridded together on the boards:

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