Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Final Poster development

After re shooting the final images for the celebratory poster to capture the falling strips mid air and in action, the results and contact photos are dramatically better. This was aided by using professional lighting equipment and getting more hands to help with dropping the strips for an even coverage and also using a clear single sheet white background  - much better and I was extremely pleased with the results.

Below is the final photo chosen to take forward to be applied to the poster design. There was a nice even coverage of strips mid air and static. Edited and brightened up on photoshop:

JOe commented on the image i was using saying it could be even brighten on the left hand side, to go back to it and re touch it. I did this and below is the result using the dodge and burn tool:

Taking the image and placing it on A2 scale, then playing with the arrangement of text. I decide that not a lot of infomartion was needed as the web address would be present, but enough to make my audience want to find out more:

Final layout below:

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