Friday, 23 April 2010

Trail patterns for British EP cover

Initial deisgn sheets for the layout and style of cover:

Mocks for the cover design for the smapke playlsit for the brisih music experince EP. I want the design to be playful, but sterotypically british but incorperte my design practice of collage and craft.

Experimeinting suing the british colour ways of red, blue and white in a contemrpory style. I cut out two very small trinagles, scanned them in and defined them as a pattern:

Pattern works better ona small cat so that the cut out effect is visiable by the shadows.

Design sheet plannign patterns, which i stuck down a few clippings..i liked how the triangle were cut away form a sheet and not single objects,  so i scaned them in a defined these a pattern and the result was splendid:

Application to EP 7inch format:

Nice aesthetics produced, experimtning wiht the inside label colour ways, or if the outer case can be cut out, ot reveal the EP label:

Cut out, minimal and makes te viewer want to pull out EP or whatever is inside it, however i do not think that it is overlly british:

Possible EP sleeve, white card to hide the patterned booklet design underneath:

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