Thursday, 20 May 2010

End of year show proposals

We had to for our tutorial today come up with a proposal for how we want our wrk to be exhibited for the end of year show. Considering our strongest pieces of work and what we want to communicate about who we are as designers, this had to have instant impact, allowing the industry professionals to scout out work easily.

I quickly mocked up these designs for the possibly sets i could make for the exhibition:

Range of cut up post it notes to form a pieces on the wall above a table which holds my portfolio.The post it notes form the work hello, or welcome and then an arrow direction the viewer to look at my portfolio. 

This idea was not chosen to be taken further, as the post it notes could be easily ruined or pulled off during the exhibition and it dosent reflect my design practice as effectively or professional as it could.

Strongest piece of my design work at the moment, a much more 'safer' approach to how my work should be exhibited. However i feel this is too clean and straight forward and dosent demonstrate my 3D application to design.

Similar to what i produced for my set design for the year book publication. I would re arrange all elements form my FMP and position them in the same format but narrower do ti could be photographed and then scaled up to fit on a banner to be hung on a door.

Idea of extending the piece to extend into the floor space, playing on the 3D aspect of my design practice. However no one was keen on this idea, as it could get ruined again during the exhibition.

Feedback i got was very informative and useful. Suggestions were made that i made the 3D floor set again but made it for fit within a corner slot of the exhibition. I would be allowed two doors and then to play with the arraignment and 3D aspect of the design by suspending actual work between the two corner boards. However for this to work correctly the elements would need to be hung and would still have to fit correctly within its position of the overall 2D printed set.

This would be tricky but as long as i do not over complicated it, it should be a very visual engaging and exciting piece for the show.

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