I proposed to use this brief as a one week brief, as the most of the hard work had been done already with the fashion garments made and studio photographs taken. All was left was for me to edit the photos and place them in a layout in an interesting way which would reflect the nature and style of her fashion garments.
I had to remember that i could not do anything elaborate designs within this brief, as the main focal point had to be the garments themselves. Instead subtile design choices had to be made and kept consistent throughout the book - this was a new thing for me to trail.
Here are the original fabric patterns of the garments an overlaid are the jewelry pattens which have been cut out from wood:
This was the wooden jewelry pattern:
The studio photos which she had give me were very nice and successfully showed off her garments. However the client has asked me to put in a slightly pinkish tint overlay to the photo's, reflecting and emphasizing the girly theme and the light, airy feeling of the garments.
I did suggest that this should be represented through the triangles and there positioning as the photographs should be left untouched to speak for themselves not to detract form the quality of the garments - but she insisted on a pinkish tint.
Samples of the original photos in raw format:
Adding a very subtile pink tint to the curves:
Playing with the curves, however the images below are too red/pinkish and this detracts form the clothes, however i like the metallic quality of the dress in the image below:
After applying the tint to the studio photos and selecting the chosen 15 images to work with, i set about designing the front cover to act as a starting point. My client had already asked me to use the same font which she had used for her business cards in my designs, unless i found a more appt one.
The font which she has chosen did not clearly label her brand, 'MUIR', and it read 'YUIN' instead, so i chose to use different more playful font, called 'Sophia'. This is a bold, geometric formed font which i have wanted to use for ages, so i put into action for the cover designs, experimenting with cropped on sections of the photos. This would act as a teaser to the viewer, asking them to open up the booklet to find out more about the collection:
I liked how big and chunky the typeface was, however alot more work was needed considering its positioning, where it was best visible using the text in white:
As the text against the white background image of the photograph i tryed placing the text on a vectored background and filling it wiht a stripped pattern to make it stand out:
Above is too faint:
Needs more work on and development - after reflection stripes as the background do not work as it dosnet fit in with the content of the garments"
When position some of the images and cropping them in for close ups, i found that alot of the images where particularly dirty. The floor was filthy, cover in footprints and there were specs on the background wall paper. All needed t be edited and feathered out or clone stamped over. All of which took time and effort which i did not think i would need to be doing.
Finished clean floor:
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